You're an American who finds themselves for some reason in Milton Keynes, England. You quickly realise your mistake as a seemingly-infinite array of roundabouts appears over the horizon.

With no knowledge of what a roundabout is for, let alone how to navigate one, can you find your way out of this non-Euclidean, Kafkaesque nightmare?

No. You can't.

Some notes. Firstly, to anyone who lives in Milton Keynes, apologies for the cheap shot.
Secondly, to anyone who recognises the music, apologies for murdering one of the best TV themes ever. Thirdly, to anyone concerned about the direction of the roundabouts, I absolutely do not apologise. Finally, the game gets a bit weird, but don't worry it's not a reflection of my state of mind or a cry for helllllllllllllllllllp

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